
Zone archive extreme ghostbusters
Zone archive extreme ghostbusters

Eduardo got an idea and slowly devoured his chocolate bar to torture Garrett. Garrett didn't take kindly to the commentary and murmured to himself. Roland chalked it up as just another fad diet. Roland revealed Garrett was fasting for 24 hours to purify his system for a new metabolic weight-training program. Garrett acted weird but said nothing was wrong. Eduardo, while eating a chocolate bar, grabbed a book from the shelf by Garrett. Kylie was on the armchair, behind the couch, reading a book.

zone archive extreme ghostbusters

Meter with Slimer hovering around with his tool belt on. Roland was sitting on the cough with a P.K.E. In the rec room of the Firehouse, Garrett was at 1023 repetitions doing arm curls. Outside, the eyes of the door knocker glowed red. Frankie gave Len the thumbs up as the woman evilly closed the door. She invited them to wait in her parlor while she went to go get her purse. The woman was charmed by their politeness and agreed to buy a $1 worth. There was also the incentive of winning a bicycle if they sold everything. 52 and were selling chocolate bars to help raise money for their school to buy new computer equipment. The door slowly opened and an elderly woman answered. Len cautiously stepped back but Frankie pulled him forward. Len insisted he didn't but before he could elaborate, Frankie stated there was no such thing as ghosts. Frankie chided him for believing the haunted house stories. Frankie promised they would go to only one more house.

zone archive extreme ghostbusters

Frankie, his older brother, convinced him to press forward. Len declared he was too tired to keep on going.

Zone archive extreme ghostbusters