Add your code to the Execute method required by the interface.
Implement the IPlugin interface on classes that will be registered as steps.
NET Framework Class library project in Visual Studio A quickstart article is available to show you how.Ī more manual process of writing, registering, and debugging a plug-in is: You can use Power Platform Tools for Visual Studio to quickly create and deploy (register) plug-ins. table? See Developers: Understand terminology in Microsoft Dataverse.
The earth wire - this is designed to pull a large current through the fuse in the event of the live wire loosening and touching a metal part of the appliance.Unsure about entity vs.
Coming into contact with these areas could cause electrocution. This stops the user from coming into contact with any of the metal parts that conduct current.
Double insulation – devices which contain metal parts are surrounded with a casing that is made from a plastic insulation.
Once the fuse melts, the circuit is broken and no current can flow. This is because if the current gets too high, too much heat could be produced which would cause the appliance to catch fire.
For example, if a fuse has a rating of 3 A then it will melt if the current flowing through it exceeds 3 A.
The fuse – a fuse is designed to melt if a current flows through it that is too large.
There are three main safety features that are found in plugs and appliances to ensure that no harm comes to the user. The potential difference values between these wires is different. It is connected to 'earth', which is usually a large metal spike buried under a house. The earth wire (green and yellow) does not normally form part of the circuit and is included as a safety wire. In a plug, the live wire (brown) and the neutral wire (blue) are the two wires that form the complete circuit with a household appliance. The plug contains three wires – the live, neutral and earth wires. The UK mains supply is connected to appliances in the home by using a plug.